We are students of 1st year of college. We got involved in a street brawl with another group. One of the members of the other group got his tooth broken in the brawl. They are threatening legal action. Can they do so? If so of what nature?

We are students of 1st year of college. We got involved in a street brawl with another group. One of the members of the other group got his tooth broken in the brawl. They are threatening legal action. Can they do so? If so of what nature?

Section 320 of the Indian Penal Code defines Grievous hurt. Grievous hurt includes fracture or dislocation of bone or tooth. In your case it seems that tooth of one of the person was broken, the punishment for such a small looking thing is much grave. Section 325 provides for the punishment for voluntarily causing Grievous hurt which is imprisonment upto the maximum of seven years along with the fine.

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