Is There A Fee For Filing A Complaint ?

Is There A Fee For Filing A Complaint ?

Under the original un-amended Act of 1986, no requirement of payment of Court-fee or any other formal procedure of Court was contemplated. However, after the amendment of 2002, there is a nominal fee you may have to pay for filing a complaint. For example in the District Forum located in Delhi the fee structure is as follows – 

  •     Up to 1 Lakh – Rs.100
  •     2.1 Lakh & above but less that 5 Lakhs – Rs.200
  •      3.5 Lakhs & above but less that 10 Lakhs – Rs.400
  •     10 Lakhs & above but less that 20 Lakhs – Rs. 500

You will have to pay the specified fee in the form of a crossed demand draft drawn on a nationalized bank or through a crossed Indian Postal Order in Favour of the Registrar of the State Commission & payable where it is situated. The concerned District Forum shall deposit the amount so received.

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