I reside in Sainik Farms and have an electrical connection for agricultural use, since 1983 which I use also for domestic personal residential use. I have been asking for a domestic connection but whereas others with influence have got it, I have not. DESU (DVB) has, in interest charges thereon which now amount to over Rs.1,50,000/- even though, since 1998, I have stopped using DESU supply and am relying only an genset for supply. Even if I was to pay the misuse, which is well nigh impossible, I receive two months bills amounting to Rs.10,000/- and over. When I protest, they say the meter is not working or has been tampered with. It is an SOS?

I reside in Sainik Farms and have an electrical connection for agricultural use, since 1983 which I use also for domestic personal residential use. I have been asking for a domestic connection but whereas others with influence have got it, I have not. DESU (DVB) has, in interest charges thereon which now amount to over Rs.1,50,000/- even though, since 1998, I have stopped using DESU supply and am relying only an genset for supply. Even if I was to pay the misuse, which is well nigh impossible, I receive two months bills amounting to Rs.10,000/- and over. When I protest, they say the meter is not working or has been tampered with. It is an SOS?

In your case it seems that the DVB has been unnecessarily harassing you, the remedy available to you under the law of the land is to file a Writ Petition in the High Court praying for quashing of the dubious order of the DVB and also for action against the erring DVB officials. You can also in the said writ petition plead of having been discriminated against persons similarly situated who have got the electric connection. All documentary proof in support of your contentions should be filed along with a writ petition. The said remedy would also be appropriate for you, since the same with circumvent filing of any fraudulent case tempering of meter against you by the DVB.

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