Documents to be maintain with CHSL

Documents to be maintain with CHSL

Accounts Books & Documents
  1. The Cash & Bank Book

  2. The General Ledger.

  3. The Personal Ledger (Member wise Monthly collection Register)

  4. Bill Register ( Month – Wises charges register)

Registers And Other Records

  1. Register of members in ‘I’ form prescribed

  2. The List of ‘J’ form prescribed

  3. The Property Register

  4. The Share Register

  5. The Sinking Fund Register

  6. The Audit Rectification Register in “O” Form

  7. The Investment Register

  8. The Nomination Register

  9. The Loan Register (if Loan Is raised)

  10. The Mortgage Register (if Property is Mortgage)

  11. The Minutes Book for managing Committee Meetings

  12. The Minutes book for General Body Meetings

  13. The Register of deposits made with the local Authority, Electric Supply company and say other authorities

  14. The Register of Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment’s

  15. The Register of Library Books

  16. The Register of Allotment of Flats

  17. Structural Audit Register(Wherever Applicable)


  1. Application For Membership

  2. Application for Associate Membership

  3. Application for Nominal Membership

  4. Letter of Resignation from membership including resignation from a associate and nominal membership.

  5. Application for Transfer of Shares and/or interest in the Capital. Property of the Society.

  6. Case of Expulsion of Members.

  7. Nominations made by members including revocation thereof.

  8. Separate file for correspondence entered into with each member

  9. Correspondence with Registering Authority.

  10. Correspondences on Property Taxes including Non-Agricultural Taxes.

  11. Correspondences on Water Charges.

  12. Correspondences on Electricity Charges.

  13. Correspondences regarding Conveyance of Property

  14. Agreements, Contract Deeds with Papers connected thereto

  15. Approval plan of Construction and Correspondences thereon

  16. Application of exchange of Flat.

  17. Correspondences about allotment of Flat.

  18. Application for allotment of parking space and stilts.

  19. Vouchers along with bills, relating thereto-arranged in order of entries in the cash book and the Journal.

  20. Counterfoils of Challans for credits of amount into the bank, arranged in order of dates of Credits.

  21. Counterfoils of Cheque Issued.

  22. Counterfoils of Share Certificate.

  23. Applications for Duplicate Share Certificate.

  24. Application for Registration of Society, the copy of the Bye-Laws and Amendment thereto

  25. A Certificate of Registration Duly Framed.

  26. Counterfoils of receipts or carbon copies of receipts issued by the Society

  27. Counterfoils of bills or carbon copies of bills for the Society Charges.

  28. Correspondence about Loans received and property of the Society mortgaged.

  29. Notices and Agenda of the Meetings of the General Body Meetings

  30. Periodical Statements of accounts prepared by the Society

  31. Committee annual reports on the working of the Society

  32. Audit memos received from the statutory Auditors with rectifications report thereon

  33. Audits Reports received from Internal Auditors, with rectification report thereon

  34. Notices and agenda of the Meetings of the Committee

  35. Papers pertaining to the Election of the Committee



Book Appointment